viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

(Learning Activity 1) Joan-Susana

4 comentarios:

  1. I'm very surprised because your article is fascinating. It is fascinating because most of us don't really expect to teach people with mental disorders so we are not prepared for the challenges and the difficultness of doing that. This is another article that I would love to read in order to know a little bit more of that.

  2. I am astonished with your article. I did not know about that mental disorder. I consider that it is important to learn and to read a little bit more about those mental disorders because maybe in the future we will come across with situations like that and if we do not know anything we will be lost. Particularly speaking, I would like to read it!

  3. Joan and Susana, a very interesting topic research. As it is presented, it seems to be a correct analysis based on your readings and class discussion. Some evidence related to your analysis is required. Well-done!
