viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Gabriela Matos

8 comentarios:

  1. I reallly liked your article and how you analized it. In my opinion the main reason why children learn faster that adults has to do with the brain plasticity. As we know, when we are children we have more propense to learn faster because of it and in the way we grow up this brain plasticity is lost, that is why for adults is more difficult to learn a second language. It is because the brain plasticity is almost lost in adulhood.

  2. Very interesting Gaby, I would like to read the article that you selected. According ot the preview you provided indeed is empirical knowledge and practical research. I remember teacher Magnolia insisting on the power of children's brain to retain a lot of vocabulary and sounds without knowing the meaning of the words. If I can only be a child again to learn 4 languages at the same time. It would be awesome.

  3. Thanksss Joan and Karla! I selected this article because I find the critical period very interesting :)

  4. it is an amazing article! Yes, that is the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH), the period which starts at the childhood and finishes at the adolescence ; the key stage where language learning is acquired easily since it facilitates language acquisition.

  5. I agree with my classmates, the article sounds really interesting and I would like to read it. It is awesome how children learn and how they do it. You are right it is empirical knowledge and practical research.

  6. It is a fascinating article because the topic of "Critical Period Hypothesis" i founded quite amazing. And every articles that talks about that is interesting for me. I have a 7 years old nephew so that is why i like that "stage" because I am a witness about that topic.

  7. Thank you for your comments Joan. Karla, Yessica, Estefanía and Alexis. I´m sure your contributions would be very helpful for Gabriela.

  8. Gabriela, a very interesting research topic. More studies are need in First Language Acquisition. It is amazing the gift that was given to human beings.

    Based on the article, your analysis seems to be correct. More information is required to have the corresponding evidence to support your analysis. Congrats.
